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Social media

youtube: Why everything you know about autism is wrong

(TEDx Talk) Listen to an Autistic autism researcher expand on a new way to understand autism as a valuable difference and not a disorder.

Youtube: What is an autism friendly community?

(TEDx Talk) An autistic entrepreneur and advocate discusses what an autism-friendly community is and why we need them.

Youtube: unmasking the stigma behind autism in females.

(TEDx Talk) An Autistic young woman discusses why Autistics socialized female continue to go under- and mis-diagnosed.

TEDX your autistic child can have a great life. Here’s how.

Robin Roscigno, Autistic mom and educator, discusses the truth about damaging ABA therapy.

Youtube: Why an autism diagnosis is an invitation to finally be yourself

(TEDx Talk) Ellie Middleton discusses the common feelings and experiences of unidentified autistics. Nineteen out of twenty autistics socialized female don’t receive a diagnosis in childhood—Ellie explains why that needs to change.


The autistic culture podcast

Two Autistics discuss Autistic culture and contributions. Affirming, well-researched, and celebratory, this podcast will make you feel proud to be a citizen of “Autistica”! A MUST for unmasking and embracing your amazing Autistic self or for anyone who is questioning.

Two Sides of the Spectrum

An allistic ally interviews Autistics on important topics such as sexuality, Black Autistic intersectionality, and the importance of unmasking. *Full disclosure, I hesitated adding this one because some episodes contain interviews with other allistics which is inappropriate when speaking about autism—only WE are the experts on us. Any public conversation about autism without an Autistic’s input is inappropriate. Allies may elevate our voices, but should not speak publicly as “experts” on elements of our culture. That being said, the majority of the shows have Autistic guests, and the information they provide is both interesting and important.

maisie hill

Maisie is an Autistic entrepreneur who channeled her special interest (hormones and menstrual cycle) into a successful coaching business and podcast. Don’t miss these episodes that address autism specifically: 1 & 2 as well as this helpful episode about the menstrual cycle—it’s not what you think!

we can do hard thigns

Glennon Doyle, Abby Wambach, and “Sister” (Amanda Doyle) host this self-care-focused interview podcast. Check out their interviews with Autistics Katherine May & Hannah Gadsby


Actress and activist Jameela Jamil hosts “the podcast against shame.” Check out her interviews with Autistics Greta Thunberg & Maisie Hill.

Blogs &


Matt Lowry LPP

An Autistic therapist and host of “The Autistic Culture Podcast,” Matt’s blog shares about autism from an Autistic perspective. I particularly love his posts about ABA “therapy” & reframing the DSM criteria.

Dr. Devon Price

An Autistic social psychologist and author of “Unmaksing Autism,” Devon shares real-world advice and insights.

kristy forbes

An Autistic ADHD PDAer, Kristy’s blog shares about parenting and thriving as a neurodivergent adult. She also offers coaching and educational courses.

NeuroDivergent Rebel

An Autistic self-advocate with a prolific social media presence and many helpful blog entries.


Unmasking Autism:
Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity

By Devon Price, PhD

A powerful book for all people who mask—Autistic or not. A MUST read. MY top resource recommendation for Autistics, advocates, and families.

Different Not Less:
A neurodivergent's guide to embracing your true self and finding your happily ever after

By Chloe Hayden

Autistic entrepreneur, actress, and advocate, Chloe Hayden shares about surviving—and then thriving—in a world that wasn’t built for her. Filled with moving personal stories, empowering facts, and practical advice. Especially great for newly-identified young Autistics (great for children, teenagers, and adults alike).

10 Steps to nanette

by Hannah Gadsby

Autistic comedian and social commentator, Hannah Gadsby details their pain, joy, pitfalls, and successes in this eloquent book about being human. Their coming to terms with their identity as a queer person in a homophobic society, and later their identity as an Autistic person in an ableist society, is achingly relatable. This book will make you laugh and cry and feel oh, so seen (best for teens and adults).

neuro tribes:
THe legacy of autism and the future of neurodiversity

By Steve Silberman

Written by an allistic journalist, this book shares the modern history of Autistic persecution and oppression. Although the book is only seven years old, the global Neurodiversity Movement has made big strides, so some language choices, phrasing, and framing is already…”out-of-date,” but it was progressive at the time of publication. And heads up, there are a bunch of trigger warnings (child abuse, torture, false imprisonment, murder…). Still, this book is well-researched, balanced, and is currently one of the best ways to learn about the modern history of our people.

TV &


Everything’s gonna be okay

(Hulu) Dramedy that addresses identity, autism, and the perils of growing up—at every age.  Written, directed, and acted in by Autistic artists. *Spoiler: the show’s creator didn’t know that he was Autistic until the show started to air and people wrote in, wondering when his character would be diagnosed, making it a truly authentic depiction of late-identification.

taskmaster season 14

(Youtube) Watch stand-up comedians compete in hilarious challenges in this British reality competition show.  Fern Brady, of season 14, is a late-identified Autistic. Bonus, many of the contestants over the seasons—and the show itself—represent delightful Autistic culture.

nanette” & “douglas

(Netflix) Hannah Gadsby’s powerful stand-up/social commentary specials on feminism, queerness, and being a late-identified Autistic are annual viewings in my home.

Heartbreak high

 (Netflix) A teen drama featuring a well-written Autistic character played by Autistic actress and advocate, Chloe Hayden.

dead end paranormal park

(Netflix) Family friendly animated show with a fantastic Autistic lead character written by an Autistic screenwriter.

she ra: and the Princesses of power

(Netflix) Diverse, family-friendly animated show featuring an Autistically coded princess, Entrapta (who was later confirmed to be Autistic by the show runner), who’s character was largely written by an Autistic screenwriter.



DON’T donate to Autism Speaks! They openly pursue eugenics and spread shame-based disinformation of autism. Instead, learn from—and donate to—these Autistic-led non-profits.

ASAN (USa, national)

The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network.

AWN (usa, national)

The Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network.

Neurodiverse Network (Pennsylvania, usa)

Founded by and led by neurodivergent adults, NN hosts affirming social events and support groups. If you identify as neurodivergent and are looking for some support and validation, please check out the free virtual support group (with me!) on the fourth Saturday of the month. Join from anywhere by using the Teams link on NN’s events calendar.

anorexia Recovery

Follow: #BodyLiberation

instagram accounts





Autistics are at a high risk of developing eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa. Please take care of yourself, beautiful Auttie. These are the resources that helped me to finally beat anorexia and befriend my body—maybe they can help you too.


The Body is not an Apology: The Power of Self-Love
by Sonya Renee Taylor

Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating
by Christy Harrison

Body-Positive Power: Because Life Is Already Happening and You Don't Need Flat Abs to Live It
by Megan Jayne Crabbe

Radical Belonging: How to Survive and Thrive in an Unjust World (While Transforming It for the Better)
by Lindo Bacon, PhD



Food Psych Podcast


The Body Is Not an Apology

Size Diversity and Health

Christy Harrison

Intuitive Eating

TV Show

Shrill on Hulu

Survival of the Thickest on Netflix

Recovery support group

Recovery Dharma: A mindfulness based support group that utilizes secular Buddhist philosophy (including mindfulness and meditation) to help people let go of coping mechanisms (of all kinds) that are no longer serving them. You are not broken—you are suffering. Meetings are available in-person and on-line to meet your needs.