You belong.
River Reviews
Fidgets. Aids. Entertainment. Comfort items. Stimmy things.
“Woke” TV SHows
A list of streaming options for woke Autistics who are sick of shows that serve to reinforce our ostracization and oppression.
Weighted Supports for Autistics
Weighted supports are surprisingly effective at calming an anxious nervous system, plus they’re simple to use and travel well too.
Adult-Friendly fidgets
Most fidgets are marketed to children. As an Autistic adult, it can be hard to find adult-friendly fidgets (and the search can break the bank). Here are my top fidgets as an Autistic ADHDer adult.
Sensory-friendly Period Underwear & bras
Sensory-friendly Period Underwear and Bras: seamless, tag free, and the fabric is silky soft. Plus, their products are available in a range of sizes and skin tones and the company uses inclusive models.
Galaxy star projector
Galaxy Star Projector: provides sensory-soothing light, a subtle stim, and is related to some common SpIns. Highly portable and travel friendly, this is a great support for Autistics of all ages.